Myofascial Release (MFR)
Medical doctors and physical therapists since the 1940’s have studied this complex and fascinating system. With the potential to treat physical and chronic pain as an alternative, or alongside drugs and surgery, it is no wonder that it has been called ‘The missing link to modern health care! It was an inspirational Physiotherapist, John F Barnes that perfected many of the techniques we now use today. Like the walnut and the hammer, force is counter productive and proven to be none effective to create lasting change in body tissue.
This system is what supports and holds us together. It is the main connective tissue in the body, infusing every cell, muscle, bone, blood vessel and organ, everything from teeth to toes. This fluid filled system creates a three dimensional web surrounding all structures. Wrapping and supporting, influencing how we move, how we hurt and how we heal. An intelligent system so incredibly strong with incredible flexibility. Without fascia in place, we would just be a pile of bones on the floor!
Diagnostically, Fascia is elusive, it cannot be seen or diagnosed with medical scanning or blood tests. But overuse of muscles, surgeries, scar tissue and inflammation is all too real and this can be addressed by releasing your fascia restrictions, by a trained therapist. Soft pressure used, without force can allow lasting change to happen. Clients often feel incredibly relaxed as tensions ease and pain subsides.
Reduce pain and speed up recovery
Alleviate aches and pains
Improve range of motion and muscle function
Re-align and release joints from holding patterns
Ease Scar Tissue Restrictions
Increase circulation aiding tissue repair
The earlier you seek treatment when you are hurt, etc. the sooner you can heal and enjoy your life.
Contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the treatments I offer, or to ask about booking a session. Alternatively, you can call me on 07989 430213.
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